These audiobooks are designed to help you think more positively, feel happier and behave in ways that support your well-being.

Some books are founded purely on behaviour change techniques whilst other books combine Positive Psychology and Buddhist philosophy.

This combination is to nurture the psycho-spiritual aspect of yourself and to help you peer past the ego towards a sense of purpose and connection which is greater than yourself.

Essentially, these books aim to help you understand how your mind works and to identify aspects of it that are limiting your life experience and, therefore, happiness.

Once negative thought, feeling and behaviour patterns are identified and exposed to you they become more conscious and thus easier to control. Having an increased sense of self-mastery is the beginning of real lasting positive change.

For some people the right book will have an immediate and profound positive impact whilst for other people it can be a nudge in the right direction.

Have a read through the description of each book to see which resonates with you best or sounds of most interest.

About the Author

Hi. My name is Anthony. I have spent almost three decades studying traditional and Buddhist psychology in order to help myself mentally, physically and spiritually. I am certainly no guru. In fact, I suspect I am very much like you; someone who wants more inner peace, more contentment and sustained satisfaction from life.