The Lift


  • Audiobook
  • 7 Chapters
  • 97 minutes total duration

The Lift

A story laden with psychological techniques to help elicit positive change and a deep level of gratitude.

If you enjoy amercing yourself in fictional tales because you have a good imagination and can visualise narrated scenes within your minds-eye, then you’ll do well with this book.

Relax, listen and simply follow along with the character in this tale and the strange transformative day the he encounters.

The character within our story enters an elevator which, against his wishes, opens on each progressive floor on his journey upwards. The bizarre experiences he is faced with on each level helps re-frame and reduce negative thinking, create and reinstate a deep state of appreciation for life, and recognise a higher state of connection.

The personal development you will gain from this book will be semi-passive rather than completely passive. All you have to do is listen consciously, ‘see’ what is being described and how it looks within your imagination and then leave the rest to your unconscious.